If you're in tech, don't let the constant stream of information on the latest and greatest distract you from how awesome it is to be living right now.
When I sleep, a 6” portable device with more computing power than it took to launch men to the moon sits next to me. It broadcasts wirelessly to my sound bar a computer-created piece of music with binaural beats and isochronic tones designed to help me sleep and dream.
The device also communicates wirelessly with an even smaller computer on my wrist, which tracks how much I move in my sleep. The device uses that data, along with the sounds of my snoring, to determine the best possible moment to wake me up, as I’m coming out of a REM sleep cycle.
As I go about my day my portable computer continuously streams music from the internet. As I go from home to car to office it wirelessly connects to various speakers. It reminds me when I have meetings, and alerts me as people talk to me over a half-dozen different mediums.
As I type my friend complains about the 20 seconds he has to wait for 10GB of data to transfer off his computer over USB 3.0.
I'm going through Seinfeld again on Hulu, and they have so many conundrums due to missing phone calls because they're not home, losing people on the road and not having directions, not having the right trivial information at their disposal. If they had the same access to information that we've had in the last 10 years, the show would have lost half their story lines.
Here's what I guess I'm getting at: Now is awesome. Don't let yourself be jaded. Don't think so far ahead that you don't appreciate now.